http://www.movember.comMovember (the month formerly known as November) is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health.
Daily Table
http://dailytable.orgDaily Table is a not-for-profit retail store that offers our community a variety of tasty, convenient and affordable foods that will help you feel and be your best; food that will keep you moving forward, not hold you back. We provide both “grab-n-go” ready to eat meals, and a selection of produce, bread, dairy and grocery items all at prices that will put a smile on your face, and designed to fit within every budget. Many of our items are prepared fresh daily in our own kitchen onsite.
Healthline Crowdfunding's crowdfunding tool makes medical fundraising easy, enabling users to give help and hope to friends, family and grups they believe in. On the FundRazr-backed platform, users specify a fundraising goal and deadline, then use social media to get the word out. As campaigns progress, campaigners can provide updates to thank existing donors and encourage new ones, all the while feeling good about making a positive difference.
The Weightless Project
http://weightlessproject.orgThe Weightless Project was launched to fight two parallel causes - obesity on one hand and hunger and malnutrition on the other. By converting calories burned into usable funds using cutting-edge technologies to track activity, the proceeds generated by those losing weight will be used to help those who need the extra pounds to survive. Currently the initiative is partnering with three devices – Jawbone, Fitbit and Basis, and looking to collaborate with other international health and fitness brands. Officially supported by Deepak Chopra, The Deepak Chopra Foundation and Health 2.0, this initiative is on its way to making the world a healthier place.
Kite Patch
http://www.kitepatch.comKite Patch provides up to 48 hours of protection from mosquitoes in the form of a small, simple, affordable patch. It uses our patent-pending, non-toxic compounds approved by the U.S. FDA for human consumption. We've designed Kite Patch to be affordable, scalable, and easy to use - for mothers in Mali to hikers in Alaska.
Health Without Borders Foundations
http://www.fundacionsaludsinfronteras.orgThe Health Without Borders Foundation (Fundacion Salud Sin Fronteras) is an established health care organization providing healthcare to the less fortunate in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We have served over 2 million patients in 14 years in our 16 clinic sites in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Peru. We also offer two volunteering programs for Pre-med , Dental, and Nursing students.
Bridges to Prosperity
http://bridgestoprosperity.orgBridges to Prosperity provides isolated communities with access to essential health care, education and economic opportunities by building footbridges over impassable rivers.
http://www.tabtics.comTabtics is a Chrome extension that helps you improve on health & productivity by raising awareness through brief contextual tips. We’re using the Web a lot nowadays and for a lot of people, opening up new tabs is one of the things they do quite often. We should also acknowledge that more and more people have desk jobs and have a difficulty to stay healthy. With Tabtics we want you to get a little heads-up on your health and productivity everytime you open up a new tab. We help you with some tailored health & productivity tips or motivational quotes every time you open up a new tab.
Mimi Hearing Test Mimi Hearing Test, which is ranked #1 hearing test in the app store provides a full overview of one's hearing age and profile for free.
Mimi Music
https://www.mimi.ioDo you have hearing difficulties? Do you love sound? Constantly searching for the best? Mimi personalizes sound and music for your unique needs. Enjoy a new and extraordinary listening experience.
https://www.iprevail.comiPrevail is a health care technology company that builds and delivers systematic online behavioral health programs designed to allow users to overcome mental health issues at their own pace. Founded to help address high-profile behavioral health issues across diverse populations, iPrevail has collaborated with the National Science Foundation and leading mental health researchers and clinicians to develop a novel program model that provides evidence-based “early interventions” to individuals who otherwise would not engage with traditional avenues for care.
Burning Nights
http://www.burningnightscrps.orgBurning Nights is a charity which aims to promote awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and to provide a support network for people living with this chronic condition. The organisation was founded by CRPS sufferer Victoria Abbott-Fleming, who is passionate about generating awareness of CRPS and supporting others who suffer from the condition. - Help for Seniors with Addiction
http://rehabnet.comRehabNet is a non-profit organization with a mission to educate and provide assistance to seniors struggling addiction as well as caregivers and family members with concerns. Its primary objective is to effectively halt the growing silent epidemic of senior addiction.
RehabNet, Addiction, Elderly, Senior Citizens - Help for Seniors with Addiction
http://rehabnet.comRehabNet is a non-profit organization with a mission to educate and provide assistance to seniors struggling addiction as well as caregivers and family members with concerns. Its primary objective is to effectively halt the growing silent epidemic of senior addiction.
Sound Seekers Seekers is a registered charity dedicated to helping deaf/hearing impaired children in the poorest communities of the developing world. We do this by supporting projects that advance understanding of their needs and improve their access to health services, education, and social support, together with initiatives that enable children to avoid, or overcome, the effects of deafness and ear disease.