Big Five Crafts

We specialise in importing the finest handmade wooden products from Southern Africa, as well as Fair trade hand blown glass from Swaziland. We buy direct from the craftsmen and import the products ourselves, therefore cutting out any middle men. This allows us to offer both a fair price to the craftsmen as well as being able to offer great prices!

Aspire CoffeeWorks

Aspire CoffeeWorks brings you one of America's top craft-roasted coffees, delivered fresh to your door. With your help, we're funding life-changing programs and creating new job possibilities for people with disabilities

Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee Co.

In 2005, Jonathan Golden, founder of Land of a Thousand Hills, recognized a simple and tangible opportunity to make a difference in the reconciliation of the Rwandan people. This realization led Golden to start a coffee company that pays a fair wage to the farmers of Rwanda, helps them with their basic needs, and brings a quality product to coffee lovers.
The introduction of specialty coffee to the healing fields of Rwanda proved to be an uncommon opportunity for once warring countrymen to not only rebuild their homesteads, but to work together toward lasting peace. A commitment to excellence in coffee has brought dignity and hope to a nation that history suggested would never recover.
Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee Co. partners with farmers and local community leaders to develop the coffee into a sustainable income, pay a just Living Wage, and strive to further meet the needs of the people.

Recycled Skateboards International [RSI]

Recycled Skateboards International takes deep pride in recycling skateboards. RSI transforms broken decks into one of a kind jewelry and accessories. Our products blend the authentic style of raw skateboard art with timeless wearables. Our handcrafted products range from belt buckles, earrings, and necklaces to bracelets, pins, and coasters. RSI partners with skateboard shops all over the US to keep skateboard decks out of landfills; this steady source of material allows us to fill orders big and small, on-time. As skateboarders, we have made a commitment to reduce our carbon footprint by re-purposing these old decks.


Techcycled was founded by two young scientists on the Caltech ballroom dance team who conspired to create wearable art that celebrates the innate beauty of technology and science. Our artisans upcycle technology into jewelry and accessories, uniting style and intellectual prowess to create unique and fascinating conversation pieces. We utilize electronics and computer parts such as circuit boards, resistors, LEDs, and capacitors; magnets; metal; and more.

Who Gives A Crap

Feel good toilet paper that uses 50% of its profits to build toilets in the developing world. 100% recycled. Free delivery! Order from


As a non-profit organization, Cardborigami’s mission is to provide immediate transitional shelters for people who are homeless and for people who are displaced around the world. A fold-able shelter that provides instant privacy and weather protection for those who have none. These shelters are water-resistant, flame-retardant and recyclable.

Eden's Paper

Eden’s Paper is a company which produces plantable paper products. Our aim is to reduce landfill waste and revolutionise the wrapping paper industry. All inks and papers used in the production of the paper are 100% environmentally friendly, and even the printing ink is made from vegetables.

Botanical PaperWorks

Botanical PaperWorks is the leading producer of plantable seed paper, plantable wedding invitations, seed paper favors & promotional products.

Esperanza Market

Esperanza Market is an online marketplace that sells bags, purses and yoga bags directly from artisans from the second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Nicaragua. We follow Fair Trade guidelines, which means we pay living wages, not just minimum wages. For each item sold, the market donates a solar-powered lamp to a child in Nicaragua that lives without electricity. 


Ethical lingerie for smart, courageous, boss women. Naja is a product of our passions and beliefs: a love for beautifully designed things, a bit of rebelliousness, and a deep desire to make the world a better place. Naja’s commitment to empower women extends from the makers to the wearers.

Recycle Now

Recycle Now is an offical UK campaign to encourage people to recycle more things more often. More than six out of ten of us now describe ourselves as committed recyclers, compared to less than half when the campaign began in 2004.


e-Stewards was founded by the Basel Action Network to develop globally responsible electronics recycling to service people and businesses around the world.


UPSTREAM is a national environmental organization dedicated to creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable society by addressing the root causes of waste. Our mission is to organize for product-focused environmental policies that advance sustainable production and consumption, and good governance. Our vision is to ensure that products are designed with sustainable materials and continuously reused or recycled into the products of tomorrow, creating jobs, business opportunities, and a healthy environment.


Our goal here at Hipcycle is to offer upcycled products that are as attractive, durable, and otherwise as desirable as traditional equivalent products (if not more so). We also strive to offer products that are priced about the same as regular high-quality products. We don’t feel that just because something is a “green” product that is means you have to make a choice between helping the environment and getting what you want.