(AYA images /Shutterstock.com)
In a formerly vacant property in the center of downtown Birmingham, Alabama, grows an oasis of fresh food - the Jones Valley Teaching Farm (JVTF). The urban farm produces over 60 different organic vegetable, fruit and flower crops and is a mecca for education, intent on growing the next generation of hungry minds.
Established in 2007, JVTF hosts a variety of education programs for schools, kids and families. Some of these programs include: working on the farm, cooking and nutrition series and specialized curriculum about food systems. The farm is a welcoming and open space where people of all ages can get their your hands dirty with volunteer opportunities and community garden plots available on a seasonal basis. With urban farming on the rise, using food and nutrition as a vehicle for education is a delicious way to create a healthier and more conscious future for us all.
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