(Arina P Habich / shutterstock.com)
Farming and gardening ventures worth knowing about.
WHAT An open source map that showcases city farming projects. Individuals and groups upload their own info about projects.
WHO A project of CITIES Foundation.
WHERE Worldwide.
MISSION “Build self-reliant food economies in which sustainable food production, processing, distribution and consumption come together to enhance the economic, environmental and social health of a particular place.”
WHAT Take an old truck, fill it with soil and plant some seeds. Soon you’ll have a lush garden publicly displayed.
WHO Founded by filmmaker Ian Cheney.
WHERE 25 trucks in various locations in the US.
MISSION "Teaching people young and old that growing food can be fun, easy, and rewarding — even if you don’t have a lot of land."
3. ioby
WHAT Standing for “in our back yards,” the New York-based nonprofit doubles as a crowdfunding website and resource organizer for environmental projects in urban locations.
WHO Co-founded by Erin Barnes, Brandon Whitney and Cassie Flynn.
WHERE All over the US.
MISSION “ioby brings environmental projects to life, block by block.”
WHAT Tops of buses turned into lush gardens on wheels.
Now comprising of a single bus, Bus Roots aims to expand to a network of green buses, which will potentially carry environmental benefits - sustainable food growing and reduction of CO2 emissions.
WHO The brainchild of Marco Castro Cosio.
WHERE New York, Washington, Indianapolis, New Jersey, Washington and Bridgeport.
MISSION “Reconnecting urban communities with nature in a practical and playful way.”
WHAT A blog that documents one Londoner’s guerilla gardening projects: filling in the city’s potholes with patches of green.
WHO Steve Wheen.
WHERE London.
MISSION “Part art project, part labour of love, part experiment, part mission to highlight how shit our roads are – the pictures and gardens are supposed to put smiles on people's faces and alert them to potholes!”
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