(maxpro / shutterstock.com)
The Tour de Farm is a journey that covers 800 miles in 50 days on a bicycle.
It's also a voyage to explore and discover organic farms in the South of France.
Plus, it's a documentary in the works.
But above all, it's Patricia Andrews' quest for cultivating health - a notion that is all the more powerful considering that Andrews decided she would launch the tour between bouts of cancer, surgeries and serious health scares.
Having completely funded their project via Kickstarter, Andrews and her sister-in-law, Tiffany Andrews, are now cycling from one sustainable farm to the next, picking fruit, learning about sustainability and spreading the word about their experience via social media.
[Source: The Tour de Farm]
Cut to the chase here: www.kickstarter.com/profiles/324659957/projects/created
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