This Plant Could Replace Coffee!

Discover the next big thing in caffeinated beverages.



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Are you a tea or coffee drinker? Chances are you partake in the world’s caffeinated beverage culture, whether by drinking a daily cup of coffee, lots of cups of coffee, tea, soda or maybe a whole different caffeinated beverage altogether. Most people haven’t heard of this plant, but if you have been following the latest trends, perhaps you have heard of Yaupon holly, the next big thing in caffeinated drinks.

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What is the Yaupon plant?
Voted the top food trend of 2023 by Whole Foods, Yaupon is a caffeinated plant that grows in North America. And according to Fast Company, Yaupon is one of the only two caffeinated plants that is native to North America. And although coffee remains and will likely continue to remain the country’s main source of caffeine, this new plant is peaking the interest of Americans.

History shows this interesting plant was consumed by indigenous Americans similar to the way coffee and tea is consumed. Fast Company explains the leaves were brewed into a black drink and then consumed before important events, presumably to give the person a kick or extra boost of energy. When more tea and coffee started to be imported and preferred in America by those who could afford it, Yaupon consumption took a hit and stopped being a mainstream drink, continuing to be consumed mostly by the lower class. Slowly, the plant has been forgotten.

Bringing Yaupon back
As it happens with food trends and with the current power that social media has, Yaupon is coming back in. Companies like Yaupon Brothers, Yaupon Tea and  CatSpring Yaupon are being featured and according to Georgia Trend, Americans are fascinated by the fact that they have their very own caffeine drink, sourced right there in their homeland. As people start to be more conscientious about organic products and the history and production of products, this authentic American plant fits right into their lives and current culture. 

Interestingly enough, and as happens with other natural and organic plants, Yaupon holly is being used not only as a caffeine drink, but also in cocktails, soaps, and other beauty products. And as more and more people start hearing about and trying the plant, more products and flavors will probably make it to the shelves. So now that you've heard of this culture-rich and caffeine filled plant, are you ready to try it?

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