(Malchev / Shutterstock.com)
The Global Goals Alliance is here to alleviate poverty, ensure equality and save the environment! But, unlike other superheroes, the alliance doesn’t use x-ray vision, invisibility or superhuman strength to defeat evil forces. Rather, the superheroes that make up the alliance are everyday people with one goal: to spread the word about the Global Goals for sustainable development.
The goals, which world leaders in 193 countries have agreed to implement over the next 15 years, include 17 key areas, such as quality education, climate action, and responsible consumption. World leaders have done their part, and now they’re calling on their citizens to spread the word. How? By becoming part of the Global Goals Alliance - the do-good task force sponsored by Virgin Media. Simply click on one of the 17 goals, upload your picture, choose your superhero accessories (how can you fight for quality education without a pencil and a calculator?), and share on Facebook or Twitter.
While most of us don’t have the power to teleport, fly, or read minds, we all have the power “to be a hero and make a real difference in the world.”
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