(phloxii / Shutterstock.com)
Here are 5 inspiring examples of how the humble hashtag has brought people together to make a positive difference.
WHAT: A global campaign as part of UN World Humanitarian Day in 2013 to highlight humanitarians around the world committed to bringing about positive change.
HOW: Individuals as well as brands sponsored a word they thought the world needs more of and shared it using #theworldneedsmore. For every word shared, money was donated to United Nations humanitarian aid efforts.
VIRAL FACTOR: Over 2.5 million words were shared, generating over $700,000 for worthy causes in the first 3 months. It is now a permanent platform to help support humanitarian aid efforts around the world.
WHAT: A spontaneous initiative which began in March in the UK, saw women take pictures of themselves without any makeup in order to raise money for cancer research charities.
HOW: Women nominate friends and family to post personal selfies on their Facebook profile and and at the same time send a text message to donate money for cancer research.
VIRAL FACTOR: The campaign was an instant hit and managed to raise 8 million pounds ($14 million) in under a week.
WHAT: Spanish nonprofit Manos Unidas understands the power of the food selfie and created #FoodShareFilter as an innovative way to give money to those in need.
HOW: Users download a special app, upload their favorite food shots to Instagram with the #FoodShareFilter hashtag and money collected from app sales goes to the fight against hunger.
VIRAL FACTOR: The app has been downloaded thousands of times generating a considerable amount of money to feed hungry mouths around the world.
WHAT: A pay-it-forward initiative that encourages people to film themselves performing random acts of kindness, from donating blood to giving food to the homeless. The good doers then nominate others to do the same in order to carry on the chain of good deeds.
HOW: Participants upload videos using #FeedtheDeed and then tag friends and family to encourage them to upload their own versions.
VIRAL FACTOR: Run mainly through the Kindness Counts Facebook page as well as a designated Twitter feed, the campaign has seen over 10,000 posts featuring willing volunteers spreading good vibes.
WHAT: A group of like-minded women coming together online to stand up for women's rights in the workplace in an attempt to fight for gender equality.
HOW: Women have an outlet to publicize cases of gender inequality by using the hashtag on social media whenever they are exposed to something untoward.
VIRAL FACTOR: The hashtag inspired the TheLi.st movement which is all about connecting accomplished women committed to diversity and inclusion.