(Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com)
In the 2011 State of The Union Address, President Barack Obama set forth a challenge for the American people: to produce 100,000 excellent new science, technology engineering and math [STEM] teachers by the year 2021. The rally call was sounded after noticing the dramatic drop in the United States ranking in mathematics and sciences, underscoring the need to invest in and support gifted STEM teachers throughout the country.
Thus, the creative and motivating campaign Blow Minds. Teach Stem. was born, powered by the multi-sector network 100Kin10 whose mission is to recruit and cultivate incredible teachers. The quirky and visually exciting site provides important information for prospective and/or seasoned teachers by connecting them with resources like teacher programs and inspirational educational content.
The overlying message is that science and math can be exciting, giving a refreshing take on an oftentimes dreaded subject. According to this beautiful infographic, 93% of U.S. parents believe that STEM education is a must – making the need for mind blowing teachers even more of a top priority.
The campaign is looking for folks to get involved, and for those who have even the slightest interest in teaching, start by taking this hilarious personality quiz. If you have ever had an influential STEM teacher, spread the word about the campaign and be sure check out their entertaining Tumblr full of colorful and shareable GIFS.
Learn more about Blow Minds. Teach Stem. with this fun video:
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