Meditate with the masters, in the comfort of your own home (Syda Productions / Shutterstock.com)
An inspired teacher can make all the difference in learning something new - or mastering an existing skill. Whether it’s an academic pursuit, sports, arts or even spiritual practice, the right guide introduces new ideas, bolsters motivation, and explains confusing concepts.
A veteran meditation app on the market, Insight Timer, knows the value of good guidance, and has recently added a library of guided meditations from the premier mindfulness teachers of the modern age. From New Age guru Eckhart Tolle to the father of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Jon Kabat-Zinn, along with some of the Buddhist masters responsible for bringing insight meditation from the East to America in the 1980s like Jack Kornfield and Sharon Salzberg, the selection is, well, enlightened. The recordings range from one minute meditations to a full hour, and every amount of time in between, and include techniques like focusing on the breath, scanning the body, observing sensations, and cultivating positive mind states such as kindness and gratitude - so you can always find the type of practice suitable for right now.
For the times when you just need a bit of peace and quiet, Insight Timer has a selection of calming bell sounds which you can program to start and end your session, along with a statistics feature to help you keep track of a regular practice.
Expert guidance is at your fingertips on iPhone and Android, teaching you how to be in the moment - every moment.
What's Your Meditation Style? [QUIZ]
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