How to Become More Optimistic

Practical strategies for a brighter and more optimistic mindset.


Embrace optimism for a more fulfilling life.

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Are you an optimist by nature? Perhaps you are and perhaps you aren't. The great news is that you can train yourself to think positively and be optimistic, even if it is not necessarily your nature. It is a mindset that can be developed.

So what are the benefits of embracing this skill? Optimism is a powerful tool that can help you build resilience, confidence, and a sense of possibility, which can lead to a more fulfilling life. The glass is half full when it comes to cultivating this characteristic, which could offer benefits including better sleep and a longer life, The Guardian reports. 

Surround Yourself With Positivity
Your environment and the people you surround yourself with make a very big difference and can affect you deeply. Therefore, you might want to be strategic about who you are spending time with. Seeking the company of happy, positive people and avoiding people who put you and others down is a great way to protect yourself and keep yourself and your spirits up. Of course, practically speaking there might be specific people who cannot be avoided. In those situations, you can limit your time with them. You can also simply be conscious of the interactions and how they leave you feeling, and do damage control after.

Keep a Gratitude Journal
Another way to surround yourself with positivity is by keeping a gratitude journal. If you spend time and energy focusing on gratitude and being grateful, it can spill into your day and really change your life for the better. Writing consistently in your journal will help you look out for positive situations and things you are grateful for throughout the day, which is exactly what you want to be doing. 

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Visualize Your Dream Life
According to The NYT, you can train and even convince your mind to be more optimistic by using visualization techniques. They recommend you visualize your future the way you want it. Think about how your dream life would feel, and write it down. The main idea is strengthening your positive outlook by believing in the possibilities your future can bring, rather than focusing on negative outcomes.

NBC reports that, although it can take some work, through consciously changing your thought processes, you can rewire your brain. One example is through mindfulness, which if practiced enough, could allow individuals to feel less anxious, more energized, and happier.

What’s promising is that you can become more optimistic, even if it doesn’t feel like it comes naturally to you. The power is literally in your hands. By surrounding yourself with positive people, starting a gratitude journal, and working on your mindset, you are on the right track, and a bright and more positive future is within your reach.

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