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Chakras are the body's energy hubs — seven swirling centers along the spine — where the physical body connects to the spiritual. When balanced, the chakras help to keep life flowing smoothly.
But, blockages cause chaos, doubt, or exhaustion to creep in, according to the Yoga Journal. The good news? You don’t have to be a yogi or spiritual guru to restore harmony. Whether you're looking to boost confidence, calm emotions, or reconnect with your higher self, the healing powers of each chakra offer a simple, powerful way to reset.
Heal the Root Chakra for Grounding and Stability
At the base of your spine sits the root chakra. Deep red in hue, this energetic center relates to security, according to Loner Wolf. Like the roots of a tree grounded deep into the earth, when this chakra is aligned, you feel unwavering in stability and strength. But, when out of balance, life feels chaotic and out of control.
Healing the root chakra restores stability, particularly in the areas of home, finance, and family. Because the earth element governs the root chakra, you can balance it by spending time outdoors, ideally in the mountains. Walking barefoot in the grass or sand can also help channel earth energy for healing. Or, carry grounding crystals, like carnelian or red jasper.

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Heal the Sacral Chakra for Creativity and Flexibility
The orange-glowing sacral chakra sits in the lower abdomen, according to well+good. Governed by the water element, this chakra relates to fluidity, emotional health, and sensuality. When in balance, you feel in the flow. Creativity springs forth!
If you feel emotional or creative blocks, heal the sacral chakra by spending more time by water. A bath, swimming, or simply walking by a stream can help channel the water element. Fluid movement like dance or vinyasa yoga can also help remove blockages and heal the sacral chakra.

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Heal the Solar Plexus for Confidence
Located by the navel, the solar plexus shines bright yellow like the sun. It relates to your self-esteem and confidence, stressed a blog on Yogkulam. When in alignment, you feel self-assured and equipped to handle challenges with ease. If you find yourself frequently overthinking and questioning yourself, you may need a little solar plexus healing.
The fire element governs the solar plexus, so if you want a confidence boost, spend time outside taking in some sunshine. Bright citrus fruits or essential oils like lemons or oranges can also invigorate the solar plexus, to help boost your personal power.

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Heal the Heart Chakra for Love and Compassion
The heart chakra glows green at the center of the chest. According to the Insight Timer blog, it governs all matters of the heart; love, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy. When in balance, you feel comfortable giving and receiving love. But, if your relationships seem in constant turmoil, your heart chakra may need some healing.
The heart chakra relates to the air element, so spend some time in nature for alignment, ideally in a forest. Breathe in the fresh air and listen to the trees. Remember that everything in life is connected. Find healing in that feeling. Chest opening yoga poses like cobra or camel can also help open the heart to the infinite love that surrounds you.

(Sergey Shenderovsky / Shutterstock.com)
Heal the Throat Chakra for Open Communication
Near your vocal chords, the throat chakra appropriately relates to open communication, according to the Days Inspired blog. That not only means your ability to express yourself clearly, but it also means to actively listen to others.
Glowing a radiant blue, the throat chakra relates to the ether element of sky and space. Heal this chakra by moon bathing underneath the stars. Repeat positive affirmations related to communication and self-expression, such as “I am confident in my voice” or “I express myself freely.”

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Heal the Third Eye Chakra for Intuition
The powerful third eye chakra governs inner wisdom and connection to the highest self, stressed a blog on the Yogkulam website . When in alignment, you feel clear in your inner vision and direction. You may even sense some psychic and intuitive abilities. But, out of balance, life can feel confusing and meaningless. You may pay too much attention to material things, rather than focus on the bigger picture.
Bring healing to the third eye chakra through meditation practices. Calming yoga like child’s pose or dolphin can help restore the third eye by focusing inward. The energy of indigo colored stones like amethyst or sodalite can also balance the third eye.

(Sergey Shenderovsky / Shutterstock.com)
Heal the Crown Chakra for Spiritual Connection
he crown chakra at the top of the head is your connection between the physical self and the divine. This deeply spiritual chakra governs awakening and higher consciousness, according to Loner Wolf, If you feel lost or cynical, focus on healing the crown chakra.
Prayer, meditation, and ritual can help align the crown chakra. You may even consider a pilgrimage or healing retreat to forge a deeper connection to the divine.
