Discover Crystal Healing for Each Chakra

Attract good vibes with these healing stones.

Healing chakra crystals,

(Pam Walker /

The spiritual and physical realms meet at the chakras. These spinning energy centers line up along the spine, influencing the flow of energy throughout your life. Each of the seven chakras carries its own unique vibration, affecting both spiritual and physical well-being. 

Crystals, much like chakras, resonate with specific energies. They attract certain outcomes, helping you set powerful intentions. By choosing the right crystals for each chakra, you can elevate your inner vibration and find comfort, clarity, and abundance where you need it most.

Root Chakra - Muladhara Chakra
Sitting at the base of the spine, the root chakra connects you to the earth. When in balance, you feel grounded, safe, and secure. When out of balance, insecurity creeps in, and even basic needs like home, family, and finances feel hard to manage. According to the Centre of Excellence, the root chakra relates to the color red. To help bring it back into balance, try grounding stones like red jasper, garnet, or tiger’s eye. Keeping one of these in your pocket or on your mantle can work wonders for restoring your sense of stability.

Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana Chakra

Glowing orange at the base of your lower back, the sacral chakra controls emotional and sexual energy. It relates to the element of water, influencing how you flow through life. When balanced, you feel in tune with your creative side and open to pleasure. But when it's blocked, you may feel emotionally cut off and creatively drained. Chakras Info recommends crystals like orange and coral calcite, orange carnelian, or orange aventurine. By working with these stones, you can reignite your creativity and tap back into your emotional balance.

Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura Chakra

The solar plexus glows a brilliant yellow like the sun shining bright. It sits at the navel and energetically relates to confidence, self-esteem, and personal identity. When in alignment, you feel full of purpose and motivation. Enliven the fiery solar plexus with crystals that emanate confidence and self-assurance. The Tiny Rituals blog suggests amber, citrine, yellow jasper, and yellow topaz.

Heart Chakra - Anahata Chakra

The green glowing heart chakra sits in the center of your chest. It relates to the air element and opens your spirit to love, compassion, and forgiveness. A flowing heart chakra creates harmonious relationships, both with yourself and others. To restore balance and welcome loving kindness, turn to heart healing crystals. 3HO International  recommends rose quartz, emerald, and lepidolite.

Throat Chakra - Vishuddha Chakra

Situated in the neck, the throat chakra controls your ability to express yourself and communicate freely. It relates to the ether element of space and the color blue. When out of balance, you notice difficulty expressing your needs and listening to others. According to Healthline, you can restore alignment to the throat chakra and your truth with stones like lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine, and celestite.

Third-Eye Chakra - Ajna Chakra

Located at the center of your forehead, the indigo-colored third-eye chakra governs intuition. It’s how you connect your external experiences with your internal wisdom. When balanced, you feel a strong sense of intuition and knowing. Out of balance, you feel cynical and overly attached to external circumstances. Restore the vibration of your third eye with healing crystals. The Yoga Journal recommends flourite to bring clarity to the mind. 

Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Chakra

The crown chakra shines a bright violet at the top of the head. It connects you to spiritual and cosmic energy. When in balance, you feel enlightened and connected to the universe. The crown chakra healing crystals like blue opal, white topaz, amethyst, moonstone, and selenite can help raise your vibrational energy and forge a greater connection with the divine. 

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