(fizkes / shutterstock.com)
5 facts we didn't know before we journeyed throuGh the super sleek website Every Last Drop:
The average person in the UK uses 150 liters of water a day. But this is only part of the picture. See number 2 -
The water required to produce everything we consume in fact amounts to 4,645 liters every day.
A 5-minute shower requires 40 liters of water. For a regular bath you will need double that amount - 80 liters. Skip the soak?
One cup of coffee requires 130 liters of water.
20,000 liters are needed to produce just 1 kg of cotton.
Obviously, everyone needs to shower, eat and wear clothes. Every Last Drop's website just offers inspiration for a more responsible way to handle water. We say: dive in! [Source: Every Last Drop]
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