5 Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Slow down and realign with a beautiful yoga nidra practice.

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Yoga nidra is designed to help you discover beauty in stillness, where your body is motionless and completely aware of your emotions. This type of yoga meditation aims to access states beyond thought, which leads to space for growth and transformation. You can harness an abundance of benefits with this meditation-based yoga; the best part about it is that you don’t even have to move your body!

What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga nidra presents the ultimate form of relaxation. While yoga nidra is still a form of meditation, it differs from traditional meditation in that it is practiced lying down in savasana the entire time. In that sense, it leads you to a state of profound relaxation and peace of mind, hence the name 'yogic sleep', according to SwamiJ.

When practicing yoga nidra, you can let your mind and body relax into a state of deep contemplation. This position naturally invites meditation to come into focus rather than struggling to maintain mindfulness while seated. Yogis have used this as an opportunity for great spiritual growth over the years, with profound effects on both your health and well-being, according to a study in the International Journal of Yoga. 

So if you're looking for ways to de-stress or deepen your meditation practice, read on for more information about Yoga Nidra and all its wonderful benefits!

Benefits of Yoga Nidra
There’s something special about yoga nidra in that anyone can practice it, regardless of their level of experience or expertise. This means that everyone can benefit from it! Let's take a closer look at some of the key benefits that this ancient yoga tradition has to offer:

Soothes stress and alleviates anxiety
Yoga nidra ignites moments of peace to soothe stress and alleviate anxiety, according to a study in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge.

This relaxation technique invites you to let go of the chaos from your days and enter a state of tranquility within. A combination of slowing down the mind and shifting your focus towards breath awareness can teach the body how to calm down its nervous system—a process that ignites healing within that, in turn, boosts overall well-being. 

Enhances sleep
Yoga nidra is a practice that helps you to relax and fall asleep. It has been proven to be effective in curing insomnia, according to a case report in Sleep Science and Practice. It also allows you to become more aware of yourself and your surroundings while sleeping. This state of consciousness allows for moments of reflection before bedtime, which can lead to a more peaceful mind and better sleeping habits.

Releases emotional blockages 
Yoga nidra helps you learn to deal with your feelings in a healthy way and can lead to improved health, according to a review in the International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. When emotions become stagnant in the body, this emotional distress may later show up in the form of illness or disease. So, through practicing yoga nidra, you can teach your body how to release emotional blockages so that your emotions can flow freely. 

When you pay close attention to your emotions, you can see why they are arising and how they're affecting you. In doing so, you can then let go of them without getting attached to the way they make you feel. You are presented with the opportunity to become aware of your emotions and let go of what no longer serves you in order to create space for bliss to arise. The beauty of letting go of what no longer serves you is elevating. 

Helps heal trauma
Yoga nidra takes healing to a new level and can even be beneficial for PTSD healing, as the International Journal of Yoga Therapy explains. In this study, military combat veterans were guided through yoga nidra sessions to explore its mental healing properties. Eight weeks into this mindful practice, the veterans reported reduced anger and anxiety and increased relaxation, peace, and self-awareness.

No matter which level of trauma you’ve experienced, it can be reassuring to know that, scientifically, there are alternative therapies to bring you back to a place of peace. 

Ignites ultimate relaxation
During yoga nidra, the relaxation response triggers a variety of changes in the body and mind that result in a profound sense of relaxation, according to Sleep and Vigilance. Peace and tranquility are achieved through the harmonious interaction between breath and body. In this altered state, there is more awareness than in sleep.

The state of deep relaxation you achieve during your practice becomes ingrained in your body and remains with you when you return to a waking state. You become more present with this experience and have more control over your responses, making it easier for you to live a meaningful life. 

In the midst of daily chaos, yoga nidra can bring calm. Having the ability to turn to this mindfulness method at any time to discover true peace is something you can benefit from.

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