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Kombucha is a carbonated, fermented drink that is said to have originated in China some 2,000 years ago. It only recently made its way to America, gaining popularity with health enthusiasts. Besides tasting great, kombucha may help bust the blues, prevent infection, and help with digestion.
Because of its health benefits and great taste, the fermented drink made from a mix of a live yeast culture called scoby sugared black or green tea, and water has grown in popularity. Surprisingly, when fermented, these three simple ingredients are packed with power!
“Consumers see kombucha as a natural, ‘better for you’ beverage that is a more healthful alternative to carbonated soft drinks and traditional ready-to-drink tea,” Tom Vierhile, vice president, Strategic Insights, North America, Innova Market Insights told Food and Beverage Insider. Check out these five amazing health benefits of kombucha tea.
Probiotics galore
What do kombucha, Greek yogurt, and kimchi have in common? They can all give your gut a boost. Because they are fermented products, they all contain live microorganisms, including probiotic bacteria (probiotics), which can help with intestinal health.
“The gut microbiome is often called the forgotten organ — it’s really important to foster that,” dietitian Maggie Neola told Good Housekeeping. According to Neola, kombucha can provide a good source of good bacteria adding, “because it’s fermented, you see that probiotic push in kombucha.”
Probiotic bacteria, commonly known as “good bacteria,” can help with a number of digestive issues. A study in the Journal of Chemistry shows that consuming probiotics can aid digestion and gut function, especially for seniors. So, if you’re looking for a source of probiotics, you can find it in a glass of kombucha tea.
May lower cancer risk
A study published in Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition found that kombucha, used in a laboratory setting, significantly inhibited the development of prostate cancer cells. As cancer cells develop through a multi-step process, kombucha prevents them from developing further by disrupting that process during an initial stage.
While further research is needed on kombucha’s anticarcinogenic properties, initial findings suggest drinking tea — whether green tea or kombucha — may cut down on the risk of cancer. In fact, kombucha is a tea, and a Japanese study has found that regular green tea drinkers have lower rates of particular cancers.
May prevent infection
Acetic acid is a liquid organic compound produced by the fermentation process. Commonly found in vinegar, kombucha tea contains acetic acid.
A study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry found that the acetic acid in kombucha was successful in killing various types of bacteria that can cause infection in the human body. Bacteria including Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, and Listeria were found to be sensitive to kombucha.
Although researchers are still exploring the topic, this study showed that consumption of kombucha may stop bad bacteria in its tracks, helping to prevent infection.
Helps bust the blues
Depression is believed to be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and antidepressant medication works to help correct that imbalance. In recent years, research has shown there may be a connection between gut health and the central nervous system. Science Magazine suggested that some psychiatric disorders can be related to changes in the gut microbiome.
A review published in the Annals of American Psychiatry analyzed ten studies on the relationship between probiotics and depression. This evidence may be compelling, and further research will be done before mental health experts can officially say that probiotics are effective in treating depression.
Can help with managing diabetes
Millions of people around the world are living with diabetes, and researchers are searching for best practices and new methods to help manage the condition. A study has shown that diabetic rats who were given kombucha tea for 30 days showed marked improvement in their health.
The study authors wrote: “Kombucha tea can be considered as a potential strong candidate for future application as a functional supplement for the treatment and prevention of diabetes.”
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