(Alex Yuzhakov / Shutterstock.com)
As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, there is nothing better than snuggling up with a lovely cup of tea. Not only is a hot cuppa really comforting, it can also be great for your health. Teas come in all different varieties so it’s all about choosing the right one for every occasion.
WHAT: A traditional Chinese tea created by withering the Camellia sinensis plant under the strong sun. It goes through a relatively short fermentation process, which gives it a lovely rich taste.
WHY: Activating an enzyme responsible for dissolving triglycerides, the form of dietary fat that’s stored in fat cells, Oolong is best known for its weight loss properties. It also contains niacin, which helps detoxify the body, and antioxidants that can prevent tooth decay.
HOW: Use 3 grams of tea per 200 ml of water, prepared with 93 to 96 °C water and steep for three to ten minutes.
WHEN: Perfect after a meal shared with loved ones.

(eAlisa /Shutterstock.com)
WHAT: Using leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant that are picked when they’re very young, white tea has a much milder flavor than any other variety and is low in caffeine.
WHY: Studies have shown that white tea has the most potent anticancer properties compared to more processed teas because of its high concentration of antioxidants. Research also suggests that it can help people with diabetes because drinking it results in improved glucose tolerance and a reduction in LDL cholesterol.
HOW: Use 6 grams of tea per 250 ml of water, prepared with 76 to 85 °C water and steep for five to eight minutes.
WHEN: Perfect when curling up with a book before bed.

(Soyka / Shutterstock.com)
WHAT: Made from Camellia sinensis leaves that are dried and heat-treated soon after they’re picked, which stops the fermentation process, green tea is produced throughout Asia and is known for its many health benefits.
WHY: Green tea is packed with antioxidants and has a high concentration of EGCG that helps prevent all different types of cancer and clogging of the arteries. It also burns fat, reduces the risk of strokes and neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
HOW: Use 6 grams of tea per 200 ml of water, prepared with 80 to 85 °C water and steep for three to seven minutes.
WHEN: Perfect to start the day with after an early morning meditation session.

(tankist / Shutterstock.com)
WHAT: More oxidized than most other teas, black tea is generally stronger in flavour, has a slightly bitter taste and contains high proportions of caffeine. It is also made from the Camellia sinensis plant and is the most popular type of tea consumed around the globe.
WHY: With high concentrations of the antioxidant compounds known as theaflavins and thearubigins, black tea is known to lower levels of cholesterol, and it has also been proven to reduce the risk of strokes.
HOW: Use 4 grams of tea per 200 ml of water, prepared with 90 to 95 °C water and steep for one to three minutes.
WHEN: Perfect for sitting down with a friend for a good catch up.

(5PH / Shutterstock.com)
WHAT: Made by infusing dried fruits, flowers, herbs and spices, herbal teas do not usually contain traditional teas leaves and tend to be free of caffeine.
WHY: While there are plenty of different varieties of herbal teas there are some that have specific health benefits. For example, the antioxidants in chamomile tea help prevent complications from diabetes and limit the growth of cancer cells, hibiscus tea can help lower blood pressure and echinacea tea is known to prevent colds.
HOW: Use 5 grams of tea per 300 ml of water, prepared with 100 °C water and steep for two to five minutes.
WHEN: Perfect for relaxing after a long day at work.

(MShev / Shutterstock.com)