(EvisDisha / Shutterstock.com)
Ever wondered which country is the happiest? According to the World Happiness Report, it's Denmark, closely followed by Norway, Switzerland and other northern European countries. Of the English-speaking countries, Canada ranked the highest in 6th place, while Australia came in at 10th place, the United States at 17th, and the United Kingdom at 22nd. Looking at Asia, the Philippines came in at the 92nd spot, while India was ranked way down at 111st on the list. Happily, the report indicates increased levels of joy in 60 countries around the world - primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America as GDP per capita and life expectancy rose.
So how can policy makers use the report to make people around the world even happier? The findings point to mental health as the single most important factor in whether a person is happy. This means that making cost-effective treatments for depression, anxiety and psychosis more widely available could put smiles on a lot more dials around the world.
The report also found happiness to have hugely beneficial side-effects: happy people live longer, are more productive, earn more, and are also better citizens. Get started today - with this list of happy websites!
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