What is Your Perfect Volunteer Project? [Quiz]

Find out which volunteer opportunity is best for you.

Feb 12, 2022

Volunteering is about giving back to your community. But did you know that people who volunteer are also getting some very valuable benefits?

That’s because volunteering to help others can generate feelings of satisfaction and gratitude and could help you live a more fulfilling, happier and healthier life.

Volunteering can be a short-term or long-term commitment. The key is to find a volunteer opportunity that resonates with you. if the mission moves you and you enjoy what you are doing, you will be motivated to keep at it.

Check out this volunteering quiz to find out which project is right for you for Good Deeds Day, April 3, 2022, or any day. It’s easy to become part of the global movement of doing good once you find your ideal project.


Bonnie has dedicated her life to promoting social justice. She loves to write about empowering women, helping children, educational innovations, and advocating for the environment & sustainability.