What is Your Guiding Chakra? [QUIZ]

A quick quiz to test your personality, and determine which of the chakra energy centers is strongest in you.

Apr 10, 2015


The ancient Hindu and yogic traditions believe in a series of energy points running through the body, from the Root Chakra in the base of the spine to the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Numbering seven in total, these chakras are part of the subtle body, flowing along the central channel. Each energy point is connected to a different set of personality traits and strengths - and awareness of these forces is said to help balance the body and mind.
Are you a thinker or a feeler? Do you keep your two feet firmly on the floor, or are you more of a spiritual seeker? Which are your strongest traits? This quick quiz will test your personality, and determine which of the chakra energy centers is strongest in you.

As well as managing Goodnet.org, Elana writes happy headlines with a particular focus on yoga, meditation and family matters. She has a background in online journalism and web content.