Why Walking Barefoot is Good for You

There are some surprising benefits to going shoeless.

Oct 25, 2024


Why Walking Barefoot is Good for You | There are some surprising benefits to going shoeless.

Most people spend a lot of their lives on their feet, just getting from here to there. Though it may seem less than self-evident, it turns out that ditching the shoes when walking or running could be beneficial for foot-strength, balance, and proprioception; the awareness of body motion.. 

Benefits of walking barefoot
Foot strength is not something people tend to spend much time thinking about. However, the ability to use one’s feet properly can have an effect on the whole body. And that is where walking barefoot comes in. 

According to a 2021 study published in Nature, people who walked barefoot for six months increased their foot strength by over 57 percent. It also helped them with their balance and reduced falls. 

Some other benefits of walking barefoot include increasing body awareness, a better gait which can help with the mechanics of your hip, knees and core, and less pain in your lower back due to stronger leg muscles, according to Healthline.

“Our feet are actually really strong and resilient and can cope with the demands we place on them, but we don’t use them as nature intended,” Rina Harris, a functional podiatrist based in London, told National Geographic. “We have 33 joints in our feet, and [our feet] move on three different planes. So they’re meant to mold to the terrain we walk on.

Unfortunately, according to National Geographic, most modern shoes do not allow for their wearers to use all the benefits their feet provide. The cushioned insoles make it hard to get sensory input through the feet, and the tapered ends of most shoes squish the toes together making it difficult to engage all the feet muscles. 

Take it slow
However, despite all the benefits of going shoeless, it is important not to just go diving feet first into barefoot walking. You must have the appropriate amount of foot strength first before taking on barefoot walking or running as a lifestyle.

According to Healthline it is important to start slow. Begin walking barefoot inside in fifteen to twenty minute increments, increasing the increments as you get stronger. Once you move outside, practice on safe surfaces such as grass, turf, or a sandy beach. You could also try out an activity that requires bare feet, such as pilates or yoga. It is also a good idea to practice some simple balance exercises as well. 

Once you have gained the requisite strength and experience you can try your hand at something more intensive, like barefoot running. So the next time you get up on your feet, consider leaving your shoes behind.

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Tiki is a freelance writer, editor, and translator with a passion for writing stories. She believes in taking small actions to positively impact the world. She spends her free time reading, baking, creating art, and walking her rescue dog.