This Man’s Lawn Mowing Service Grows Kindness
This kind ‘mowment’ is spreading across the country.
One person can change the world starting with a single blade of grass! When Brian Schwartz decided he wanted to make a difference in seniors’ lives, he set out by mowing lawns in New Jersey for free. He started with one lawnmower and one big heart and the idea quickly blossomed.
Today, Schwartz runs the non-profit I Want to Mow Your Lawn, has many volunteers, and is helping people in 27 states across the US, according to the organization’s Facebook page.
When Schwartz lost his job during the pandemic, he made up his mind to stay active and busy, reported He wanted to help those having a hard time physically and financially, and because of his warm affection for grandparents, he first chose helping senior citizens. As lawn care can be physically strenuous for many seniors and the cost of hiring a gardener prohibitive, Schwartz’ initiative was widely embraced.
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Using his own lawnmower and minivan, Schwartz started with one garden in the summer of 2020. This soon expanded to two, and then to ten. Within a month, Schwartz opened his non-profit and also started offering lawn services to veterans, the disabled, single working moms, and patients with cancer, according to the organization.
“It may sound like a bumper sticker, but it’s true,” Schwartz explains on the website. “It just feels good to help out, to do something tangible that people need done and can’t quite do themselves, something straight-forward and clean-cut as newly mowed grass.” Schwartz’ former co-worker, Sabrina Anthony, was also laid off from her job as director of online media, according to Real Simple. She came onboard to increase awareness for the non-profit on social media. Creating the hashtag #MOWments, Anthony is now affectionately known as the “VP of Social Mowments.”
I Want to Mow Your Lawn has brought smiles to many people’s faces, as well as positive and inspiring coverage from the local media. Many others are offering to help. In fact, according to their Facebook page, the organization recently attracted 50 more volunteers in just one week, including professional landscapers!
As this type of goodwill is catching on, the organization is attracting those who need assistance, volunteers, as well as donations from garden suppliers and landscapers. Those who need their grass mowed simply fill in their location online. A local volunteer is located and that sweet scent of freshly cut grass is soon in the air!
This grassroots “mowment” has brought people together, inspired many others to reach out, and is continuing to grow across the US daily. Schwartz, who is now fully employed again, is still motivated to do good and now has plans to offer a snow plow service in the winter.
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