This Bank Full of Toys Gives Kids the Childhood They Deserve
An toy story of hope and promise
Play is such an important part of a child’s development that it has even been recognized by the UN as a right of every child - take a look at the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Toybank is an organization that gives underprivileged kids a chance to fulfill this right by providing them with opportunities to play with toys.
It all began in 2004 when Shweta Chari from Bombay realized the child workers in India hardly get to do what kids should be doing: play. She decided to change all that by finding a safe place for them to let loose and get creative with toys.
What started out as a small initiative of toys collected from friends and family has since grown into a nationwide nonprofit with thousands of people donating to more than 30 toy libraries in rural and urban India.
With the help of some 2,000 local volunteers, these toy libraries bridge the gap between children from different backgrounds, giving them a chance at a happy, healthy childhood. Toybank focuses on positivity and educational value - hence, the toys given out to kids carry a happy message and have added cognitive value.
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