This 93 Year Old Yoga Teacher Will Blow Your Mind [VIDEO]

Tao Porchon-Lynch ranks as the Guinness World Records’ oldest instructor.

Aug 14, 2014
This 93 Year Old Yoga Teacher Will Blow Your Mind [VIDEO] | Tao Porchon-Lynch ranks as the Guinness World Records’ oldest instructor.

Meet Tao Porchon-Lynch; at 93 years old she was listed as the Guinness World Records' oldest yoga teacher. The devoted yogi, now 96 years old, still instructs yoga and is dedicated to practicing and spreading awareness of its benefits.

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Her love affair began at the age of eight when she saw yoga practitioners on the beach in her native India. Even though her aunt advised against it, Porchon-Lynch was already hooked.

But, it was only in 1967 at the age of 49 that Porchon-Lynch became a professional instructor, founding the Yoga Teachers Association as well as the Westchester Institute of Yoga. While her yogi status is quite impressive, Porchon-Lynch was also a professional model, Hollywood actress, competitive ballroom dancer, created the American Wine Society (AWS) with her late husband and marched next to Gandhi twice.

A news station caught wind of the amazing Porchon-Lynch and the video features her teaching a class, performing incredible yoga positions and interviews some of her students who sing her praises. Towards the end of the video, she even reveals her secret to staying so young and fit which of course includes yoga, but also competitive ballroom dancing with a partner 69 years her junior.

The 96 years young Porchon-Lynch is a living embodiment of the positive effects of yoga and a beautiful example showing that passion and vitality can flourish at any age.

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