These Leather Puma Shoes are Made from Pineapples [VIDEO]

Pinatex provides a sustainable, vegan alternative to traditional leather.

Sep 13, 2016


These Leather Puma Shoes are Made from Pineapples [VIDEO] | Pinatex provides a sustainable, vegan alternative to traditional leather.

Yes, you read that right. Leather made from pineapples. Pinatex is a new textile which is made with pineapple leaf fibers. And that uber funky shoe is a prototype made by Puma. The new textile provides a sustainable alternative to leather, and is created using mechanical and chemical processes to treat the pineapple fibers. It can be used for bags, shoes, furniture - anywhere where leather is used.

According to Carmen Hijosa, the creator of Pinatex, the new leather isn't just about providing a vegan alternative to traditional leather. It's about being conscious consumers - standing up and taking responsibility for the consequences that come behind the products that we buy and use every day.

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