(Ekaterina_Minaeva / Shutterstock.com)
Australian mother Sonia Singh created an accidental Internet sensation this year, by transforming second-hand fashion dolls into natural, down-to-earth toys. In what started off as a fun home project and ended up as Tree Change Dolls, Sonia scours second-hand stores around Tasmania for Bratz dolls and gets them ready for a day at her special spa. She removes their make-up and accessories, repaints their faces and molds new shoes. Her mother then pitches in by sewing and knitting clothes.
The result? Dolls that look like normal, healthy girls - with realistic facial features and casual, neutral outfits.
Just having fun at home with her creative pursuit, Sonia photographed the dolls sporting their new looks in natural environments. Family members encouraged her to post the photos online - and the response was overwhelming, immediate, and very positive.
Now, Tree Change Dolls are available for purchase on Etsy, and creative sorts can try their hand at making their own by checking out Sonia’s DIY video. The Aussie team is also auctioning off a doll for charity each month; in February 50% of the proceeds were donated to the International Women’s Development Agency in honor of International Women’s Day.
With children exposed an increasing amount of beauty products in the media, Sonia’s dolls present an age-appropriate, positive message - for girls and boys alike.
Meet Sonia and get the full story, here:
4 Initiatives Celebrating Women's Real Beauty
The Creative Answer to Photoshopped Models
The Barbie Doll that Celebrates Real Beauty