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Giving something to a stranger in need is one of life's simple and yet big pleasures. While some donations require nothing more than a little thought while walking through the city, others, such as organ donations, are possibly life-changing decisions for all parties involved.
Although it’s not always an easy process donating organs to a patient in need, it often makes a huge difference. For more and more people, the act of donating a life-saving organ is becoming an increasingly easier decision.
The Journal of the American Medical Association recently found that since 1987 more than 530,000 US citizens have received hearts, livers, kidneys and other donated organs they needed to enjoy a healthy life. That amounts to roughly two million years added to peoples' lives.
The number of patients who need organ transplants has risen in recent years, right along with the willingness to donate, a sign that more and more people realize the importance of doing something truely selfless to save someone elses' life.
The AMA discovered that on average, between 1987-2012 around 4.3 years were added to a recipient’s life, a heartwarming statistic, and indication of the effort to spread some goodwill for those who need it most.
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