Oil Worker Turns Guardian Angel for Three Lucky Kittens
“Coffee kittens” get a second chance thanks to a bighearted oil worker.
It’s freezing cold during a particularly frosty midwinter in Alberta Canada. So, what do you do with a cup of lukewarm coffee? Quick-thinking oil worker, Kendall Diwisch, didn’t think twice. He used the coffee to play guardian angel to three trapped kittens, and saved the day!
Doing the rounds near one of his oil wells near Drayton Valley, Alberta, Diwisch stumbled upon what he first thought was a pile of trash. Then he decided to take a more careful look and did a double take. What he saw were three whimpering kittens whose tails were stuck under the ice in the freeze and who were trapped. He also realized they had probably been there all night and that they had been deliberately “dropped off”. He whipped out his phone and started filming.
Diwisch returned to his truck, grabbed some coffee, and rushed back to quickly pour his lukewarm beverage on their tails to thaw them out. He tugged a bit, and freed one instantly. Rescuing the other two required a little more effort, but the meowing, shivering kitten captives were soon freed from their predicament.
Writing on Facebook, Diwisch said: “So today I found these three fellows on one of the back roads near one of my wells. Most likely dropped off. Poor things were frozen into the ice so they had to have been there all night.” On the video, he can be heard reassuring the “little guys” as he set to work to rescue them from their peril.
What happened next is heartwarming too. Family man Diwisch took all three kitties home where he fed and watered them and took care of their immediate health needs. Very soon they were frolicking energetically, and he reported that they appeared happy and healthy.
Then this kind guy got to work searching for a forever home for his three adorable but temporary charges using social media. His Facebook post was quickly shared by thousands of people, and it wasn’t long before a family who had lost their fur baby in the fall, offered to take all three. He shared that:
“All three little rascals went to their new home today where they get to be together instead of separating them. All three are eating and drinking and very energetic. Thanks for everyone’s consideration and offering to take them very appreciated.”
The new family has since brought the kittens to local shelter, Cause for Critters. They were given a checkup, receiving a clean bill of health and a recommendation for warm, salt-water baths to help their tails heal up.
Around 6.5 million companion animals enter US animal shelters each year, according to the ASPCA, with approximately 3.2 million of them being cats.
Followers worldwide were quick to praise Diwisch for his good deed, and swift and imaginative response, happy that sometimes, cats really do have nine lives!
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