(Sergey Pristupa / Shutterstock.com)
Research shows that background noise can increase focus and stimulate creativity, which is the premise behind Noisli, an app that offers a wide range of ambient sounds from train tracks and camp fires to rustling leaves and thunderstorms. Noisli has a clean and easy-to-use interface, and what sets it apart from the long list of ambient sound apps, is that users can mix and match sounds to create the perfect atmosphere for concentration or relaxation. Also available on iPhone, Noisli’s color changing backgrounds meld with the therapeutic soothing noise, which completely enhances the experience. Whether you are looking to buckle down and finish an assignment, or are in need of some chill out time, give Noisli a whirl.
5 Websites that Chill You Out
The Secret Combo for Getting Productively Creative
11 Ways to Chill Out in 5 Minutes or Less