Lighthouse Parenting: The New Parenting Style

The middle ground between helicopter parents and free range parents.



(Magic Lens /

Parenting can feel like navigating an endless sea of choices, styles and ideas, never knowing if you are making the right decision for your child and family or not. On the one hand, no two children are the same. On the other hand, there must be some similarities or at least some general method that works for all children and that is worth following. 

Whether you believe in strict boundaries or offering total freedom, as with most things in life, it's all about balance. And that is what lighthouse parenting, the new and modern parenting style that is becoming more and more popular, is all about.

What is lighthouse parenting?
Lighthouse parenting, founded by Ken Ginsburg, MD, MSEd, is a parenting style that is all about the most important aspects of parenting, such as open communication, according to Parents. Lighthouse parenting, they explain, is all about maintaining the balance between providing your child with guidance, love, nurturing and protection, while also allowing them to make their own mistakes and learn things on their own.

Some parenting styles such as helicopter parenting, are less about giving your child freedom and allowing them to experience things on their own. Lighthouse parenting, like the name suggests, believes in being there for your child like a lighthouse is there at night, available and present when needed, however not making the decisions and providing solutions all the time, therefore allowing the child to grow, learn to be independent and develop their resilience. The key points to this parenting style, Parents explains, is loving unconditionally, setting the right boundaries, provisioning support and guidance, and encouraging an open dialogue. With this kind of environment, a child can feel confident, supported, loved and empowered to be him or herself.

Benefits of lighthouse parenting
According to the CBC, this parenting style is becoming popular as parents are looking for a middle ground in parenting, something that resonates with them, does not put too much pressure on them and is healthy for their children. There is too much information out there for parents nowadays, they explain, and it can get overwhelming. Lighthouse parenting seems to be more intuitive and balanced. 

Children that are raised in this style can become healthy, functional adults, as they were given the tools to be independent, to understand the world, and to be well-adjusted. They aren’t scared of making mistakes and also take responsibility for them. Their parents also are less burnt out, as they are able to take a step back and be there for their child more in the background. And with ongoing communication, and love and support that is always there when needed, this parenting method seems to tick all the boxes when it comes to promoting and cultivating a harmonious and enjoyable parent-child relationship. It is an environment where both children and parents can thrive and enjoy their relationship for years to come. 

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