It’s Official: Friends Equal Happiness [INFOGRAPHIC]

Scientific proof that friends help you live a long, happy life.


Group of friends on a beach

(simona pilolla 2 /



We’ve always had a hunch, and now it’s backed by research - friends do much more than just make life more fun. Science has confirmed that having close pals is good for physical and mental health.
Our friends over at Happify put together this happy infographic, which goes into the details of how friendship enriches our lives. For example - did you know that being in regular contact with 10 or more friends significantly increases happiness and lengthens life? Or that living near a happy sibling, spouse or neighbor has a postive contagious effect?
Scroll down to the infographic for more friendly facts - and share it with your best buddy when you’re done!

Why Friends Are So Crucial to Our Happiness

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