How You Can Be a Part of the Global Day of Doing Good
Make a positive impact in the world on April 6, 2025, by joining with millions of others on Good Deeds Day.
There are almost endless possibilities to do good and make positive changes in the world. While individuals may feel that the problems are too great to solve by themselves, by working together with millions of other like-minded people, you can make a big difference.
It’s actually easier than you may think. You can participate in Good Deeds Day (GDD) and be part of a global day of doing good. GDD, now in its 19th year, is part of a global movement that shares the belief that every person can do acts of kindness to improve the lives of others in their community. In 2025, GDD will be held on April 6.
“I believe that if people will think good, speak good and do good, the circles of goodness will grow in the world,” said Shari Arison, philanthropist, businesswoman, and the founder of GDD.
Where it all began
Arison’s vision of spreading kindness throughout the world led to the creation of GDD which began in Israel in 2007 and grew from there. GDD went global in 2011 and now this worldwide day of volunteering has united millions of people from 115 countries with projects that range from feeding the hungry to helping to support the environment by cleaning up rivers, beaches, and parks.
How you can take part
It’s easy to take part in GDD. First save the date on your phone or computer. Next, register on the GDD website and let the GDD people know what project you are planning to do. You can register as an individual or as an organization or business.
If you don’t know what you want to do, check out the GDD website for ideas about projects. There is also material in several languages that can be downloaded to promote your project in your community and on social media. If you don’t want to plan your own project, you can join other projects in your community.
If you are looking for longer term volunteer opportunities, you can find some through Points of Light, a nonprofit global organization that was founded by former president George HW Bush. Another good resource is VolunteerMatch, a nonprofit that matches volunteers with the causes they support.
Any project that you participate in will make a big difference in your community and help in making the world a kinder place.
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Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Initiated in 2007 by business woman and philanthropist Shari Arison, Good Deeds Day has grown to 115 countries with millions of participants. Good Deeds Day 2025 is on April 6.