How Nutrition Savvy Are You? [QUIZ]
Take this trivia quiz to tally your healthy food IQ.
Jul 15, 2015
The world of food is vast, with millions of combinations and ingredients to explore. What we put into our bodies affects our physical and internal health, longevity and moods. Narrowing the food search down to healthy fare can take some effort, though it is well worth it! Challenge how well-versed you are in nutritious foodstuffs with this fun 10 question quiz that just might be able to teach you a thing or two.
What has more Vitamin C? Apple Banana Red Pepper RESULT: One cup of raw, chopped red bell pepper packs an impressive 190.3 milligrams of vitamin C . The same amount of a green pepper has 119.8 milligrams . Which food contains the most protein? Eggs Black beans Tofu RESULT: Black Beans : 22g Protein (44% DV)
The first non-meat item of our protein foods list is black beans, which pack a whopping 22 grams of protein into a 100 gram serving. It’s not only black beans that rank highly in protein, many other beans have respectable protein numbers, such as navy beans, soybeans, lima beans, kidney beans, and more. Black beans and other beans are also fantastic sources of soluble fiber, which will help you feel full, and balance your blood sugar. It’s nice that you can get both a protein portion and a fiber portion from the same food, as many high-protein items are devoid of fiber.
Which fruit will help improve your short-term memory? Blueberries Mangos Cherries RESULT: Which of these fruits contain the highest amount of sugar? Lychee Watermelon Grapes
RESULT: With 29 grams of sugar per cup, this exotic fruit packs a serious sugar punch. Here's why it's OK to consume in moderation, though: It also gives you 136 milligrams of calcium, superseding your daily recommended intake of 75 milligrams.
Which has less sugar? Vanilla ice cream Vanilla frozen yogurt They are the same Frozen yogurt may sound healthier and it does have a little less unhealthy fat. But it has the same amount of sugar and calories as ice cream. Let your family enjoy ice cream or fro-yo just every now and then, not every day since too much sugar can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Remember a serving is about the size of a tennis ball. For easy portion control and fewer calories, try frozen fruit bars. But don't be fooled by labels that say "100% fruit." Fruit should be the first ingredient and there should be no added sugar. Or make your own fruit bars -- puree fruit and freeze it in popsicle molds. Pureed whole fruit has fiber that is lost when fruit is juiced. Fiber is filling and great for digestion.
Which option is healthier? Spaghetti pasta Veggie pizza Pizza is greasy, smothered in cheese, and can be topped with fatty meats, so it seems like this one should be a no-brainer—but the answer might not be so clear-cut. A serving of noodles served with Parmesan and tomato sauce is just a half-cup, and many restaurants serve up more than six times that.
Which nut contains the most antioxidants? Walnuts Peanuts Macadamia nuts
Which breakfast meal is good for your heart? Oatmeal Omelet Pancakes,,20720182_3,00.html Start your day with a steaming bowl of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. This fiber-rich superfood can lower levels of LDL (or bad) cholesterol and help keep arteries clear. Opt for coarse or steel-cut oats over instant varieties—which contain more fiber—and top your bowl off with a banana for another 4 grams of fiber.,,20307113,00.html
Which of these foods contains more fat than a glazed donut? 20 Olives Half an avocado 3 tablespoons of peanut butter Each half of this fruit comes with 15 grams of fat—but 10 of those grams are monounsaturated fats, which improve cholesterol levels. T
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