How to Gift Yourself a Wellness Retreat on a Small Budget

Finding your center doesn't need to cost an arm and a leg.

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Wellness retreats conjure up all sorts of beautiful imagery. Turquoise waters, yoga poses on the beach, delicious, healthy meals to keep you satisfied. While there are plenty of options out there for everyone, the price can become a deterrent. Fortunately, enrollment doesn’t have to cost three months of rent and a strict policy against ordering your favorite takeout. There are several ways to join the growing vacation trend and get in tune with your emotional well-being. Take time out for yourself and keep your savings goals intact by choosing one of these routes when signing up for your next mindful vacation.

1. Volunteer or Become a Meditation Fellow

Lessen the cost of the retreat by taking more of an active role in the program’s structure. There are many volunteer opportunities or fellowships available for those seeking a transformative experience that won’t drain their savings. The Hemera Fellowship is one such initiative. They allow artists, healthcare professionals, and educators the chance to visit one of several retreat centers around the world at an accessible price.

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2. Look for the Offers

Although this one requires steady research, the outcome is worth the trouble. Oftentimes, programs offer rewards and specials for retreats that make them go from just out of reach to affordable. Or, subscribe to your chosen program’s newsletters and check their site for any early bird specials.

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3. Apply for a Scholarship

Organizations like Shambhala, Omega, and Spirit Rock offer financial assistance for their offerings. Apply from their website and possibly get the chance to unwind surrounding beautiful scenery. Many scholarships tend to be fairly competitive and fill up quickly, so continue checking for updates and opportunities.

4. Get a Shared Room

Ashrams allow you the perks of a great wellness retreat (daily meditations, yoga, plant-based meals, and beautiful wildlife for a more reasonable fare. To save even more, share a room in an ashram that speaks to you for less than $100.

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5. Crowdsource Your Trip

Asking for assistance can be a great way to gain support and raise money for your next wellness getaway. Set a goal and remain open when asking your loved ones for help. Share your plans with family, friends, coworkers, etc, and watch as you become closer and closer to your goal.

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