Goodstock is Nearly Here and You’re Invited!

Take your seat at the largest ever global conference on doing good on March 21.

Mar 3, 2021
Special Collections: INSPIRE THE GOOD
Goodstock is Nearly Here and You’re Invited! | Take your seat at the largest ever global conference on doing good on March 21.

Being good is a state of mind and if goodness is on your radar, join the genuine movers and shakers in the world of doing good at Goodstock. Be part of this historic virtual event on Sunday March 21st, 2021.

Book your free seat online:

It’s all happening on one day, with 50 keynote speakers from around the world in one place! All will be exploring key topics around doing good and being good that speak to Goodnet readers. These include Shari Arison, who will be opening the conference and giving a special interview. Shari Arison is the initiator of Good Deeds Day and leads the Arison Group – a global business and philanthropic group that invests in ventures with added value to people, society, the economy, and the environment.

Leaders from several countries will be discussing super-relevant and interesting themes in the “goodness” orbit. They will do this in six main plenary sessions.

On the goodness menu you will find:

Leading Change Through Volunteering

Being Good is Good Business

Sustainable Development Goals: 10 Years To Go

Education: The New Generations of Good Doers

What it Means to ‘Be Good’

Good Cities

Plus look out for additional compelling breakout sessions. These will be getting delegates together in smaller groups, and engaging them in workshops and discussions.

These breakout sessions cover topics like improving, creating, and implementing virtual programs, changing the world through sports, how helping others can improve yourself and boost your happiness, providing possibilities for advancing underprivileged children, and doing good for the environment through volunteering.

“Our goal is to discuss, showcase and delve into key topics, case studies, and stories around doing good and being good,”  Hannah Wojno, Director of Good Deeds Day, the curators of this global gathering, told Goodnet.

The event has an expected audience of thousands. This will be made up of NGO professionals,  volunteers, government officials, and other leaders.

Several of Goodstock’s talks will also be streamed in other languages. These take in Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic and French, as well as English, reflecting Goodstock’s global relevance. 

When Good Deeds Day Went Virtual
15 Motivational Quotes About Doing Good
5 Projects That Benefit the Children in Your Community

Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Initiated in 2007 by business woman and philanthropist Shari Arison, Good Deeds Day has grown to 108 countries with millions of participants.  Good Deeds Day 2021 is on April 11. 

Daphne has a background in editing, writing and global trends. She is inspired by trends seeing more people care about sharing and protecting resources, enjoying experiences over products and celebrating their unique selves. Making the world a better place has been a constant motivation in her work.
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