Scientists have discovered that the hole in the ozone layer has shrunk by an astounding four million square kilometers since 2000. (leeborn / Shutterstock.com)
Are you environmentally conscious and care about Planet Earth? Then we have good news for you. A team of researchers led by MIT climatologist Susan Solomon, just released an article citing the first clear evidence that the thinning in the ozone layer above Antarctica is beginning to heal.
Solomon's team developed a simulation that predicts the total amount of ozone in the stratosphere based on estimates of the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere. The team discovered that the hole in the ozone layer had shrunk by an astounding four million square kilometers since 2000, and also confirmed that this development matched the simulation's prediction. This amazing find gave the researches the confidence to support their prediction of the eventual restoration of the ozone layer.
The scientists say that the decision taken by world leaders to ban CFCs, which were previously found in consumer products such as hairsprays and old refrigerators, in the Montreal protocol in 1987 was a major contributor to this positive development.
One scientist from India pointed out that what is truly remarkable is the way all nations came together and cooperated in reducing their CFC emissions.
“The Montreal protocol showed us how the leaders of the world can work together to prevent an environmental disaster,” Prof. J. Srinivasan of the Divecha Center for Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences at the Indian Institute Of Science said. "We all hope that a similar spirit of cooperation will be seen to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in order to prevent global warming.
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