Good Habits to Help You Feel Inspired Daily

Planning a daily routine could lead to a healthier life filled with inspiration.


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Routines don’t have to be boring. In fact, they can be fun and they can also make your life a lot easier and help you feel your best.

Without a routine, you have to spend each day deciding what to do. This type of daily planning takes time and energy. Too many choices can lead to decision fatigue and detract from getting things done. You are more likely to avoid priorities and procrastinate on less important tasks.

A daily routine provides a framework for your day. A well-paced day avoids the stress of rushing around while also encouraging that you get things done. You don’t have to spend so much time organizing your time. 

When you plan your day and get things done on time, you reduce stress levels and have more time for what you enjoy doing. You will have time to meditate, eat properly, and other wellness activities. Sticking to goals improves self-esteem. You’ll feel proud of what you accomplish (as you should!). 

Design a routine that works best for you with these daily habits to help you feel inspired! Many of the most successful people start their day with morning rituals to feel empowered throughout the day, reports Inc Magazine. Tony Robbins has a three-step morning ritual that begins with yogic pranayama breathing, gratitude exercises, and prayer. 

Oprah Winfrey starts her day by hitting the treadmill. Former President Barack Obama wakes up by 5 AM for exercise and breakfast with a glass of orange juice. You can design your own morning ritual that helps you start the day on the right foot. 

Remember that your daily routine isn’t set in stone. You can test the structure of your day and optimize it based on what works best for you. This is your day. Design your daily habits your way! When you do, you’ll create the life that you want, to feel inspired as the happiest, healthiest version of yourself. Here are a few ideas:

Morning meditation

Meditation helps manage stress, reduces blood pressure, and improves overall wellbeing, according to a study  published in the International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda. Incorporate a short five or 10 minute guided meditation to center in the morning and set the tone for the rest of your day.

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Morning affirmations

Affirmations are repeated words or phrases that manifest positive changes. You can repeat affirmations in the mirror or write down statements to feel confident. For example: “I am happy, healthy, and strong,” “I have an abundance of wealth, health, and happiness,” or “I embrace change in all forms.” Choose statements that make you feel inspired.

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Morning prayer

Prayer has many physical and psychological benefits, making it a great practice to start the day. You can adapt your morning prayer to your own belief system. Think of it as a moment to put your life in perspective, to feel thankful for your blessings, and to sense compassion for others.

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Take breaks

According to Psychology Today, taking breaks throughout the day improves brain function, learning, and productivity. A break can mean a five-minute walk, a short meditation, or a moment to sit in the sunshine with a cup of tea. Break away from work and give yourself a chance to rest before going about your business. Then you can return to your day with a fresh perspective (and perform at your best).

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Express yourself

Set aside a little time each day to express yourself. A study published in Behavioral Sciences found that creative activities have short term benefits, like boosting your mood and reducing stress. Over time, you’ll also prevent disease and have a more positive outlook. Look for a creative hobby that resonates with you, like journaling, creative writing, dance, drawing, painting, music, anything that makes you shine!

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End of day ritual

Just as a morning ritual sets the tone for the day ahead, an evening routine prepares your body for a restful night’s sleep. Enjoy a cup of tea a couple of hours before you go to sleep. Herbal teas like lavender or chamomile have calming effects to ease you into a good night’s rest. 

Blue light from devices, like your TV or phone, interfere with sleep patterns. This can lead to sleep disorders that make it difficult to fall asleep, according to UCDavis Health. Turn your phone on “do not disturb” at least 30 minutes before bed. Dim the lights or use candles to further reduce the bright lights of daytime. You’ll trigger a response in your brain that signals it’s almost time for sleep.

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