(Juliya Shangarey / Shutterstock.com)
Did you know that goat milk is the most widely consumed drink in the world? According to Healthline, even though North Americans may think of it as a specialty item, 65 percent of the world’s population drink it. And with so many health benefits over cow milk, more people should consider adding it to their diet.
Goat milk is nutrient rich
Goat milk is loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially in calcium, phosphorus, and riboflavin. In fact, as reported by Dr. Axe, it has 33 percent of the DV (daily values) of calcium, whereas cow’s milk provides 23 percent. Calcium is important for bone health, especially bone mass.
Goat milk also has high levels of Vitamin A which is good for the complexion and fighting acne. The lactic acid in goat’s milk aids the body in shedding dead skin cells, promoting soft and smooth skin. This is also why goat’s milk soap is a popular skincare product.
As goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk, it assists people in absorbing minerals better, according to Dr. Axe. According to a 2008 study, goat’s milk promotes nutrient absorption, especially iron and magnesium. Researchers recommend that people who have anemia or osteoporosis could benefit from drinking goat’s milk.
Why should you drink goat’s milk? Health benefits include high in calcium, riboflavin, phosphorous, B-12 and protein. Plus it's delicious! Check out these farms to find your local goat milk or cheese today https://t.co/FpIPaMQ6dl pic.twitter.com/NNxHhDCAji
— Pure Catskills (@PureCatskills) February 11, 2019
Healthline indicates that per cup, goat’s milk has nine grams of protein, whereas cow’s milk has eight grams; goat’s milk has less carbs and lactose than cow’s milk; and goat’s milk has ten grams of fat while cow’s milk has zero to eight grams.
It doesn’t end here! The same study showed that goat’s milk offers one of the highest sources of bioorganic sodium, which the stomach stores and uses to make enzymes. A lack of these enzymes can result in stomach ulcers, bloating, and it has also been connected to arthritis.
Goat milk is less inflammatory
Many people are allergic to cow’s milk. This can cause a range of reactions ranging from rashes, hives, wheezing and swelling, to stomach aches and diarrhea. This is because, according to Dr. Axe, cow’s milk contains 20 different types of allergens.
The most common of these allergens is the protein A1 casein. Holstein and Fresian, the most prevalent dairy-producing cows in the US and Western Europe, produce A1 casein. When people cannot digest this protein, it can lead to inflammation, which may lead to gastrointestinal and autoimmune issues. Goats, as seen in this study, have A2 casein in their milk, so fewer people are allergic to it.
Goat milk is easily digestible
Many people with digestive issues have an inability to break down the sugar found in dairy products. This sugar is called lactose, with goat’s milk being 12 percent lower in lactose than cow’s milk, as written in Healthline. And when it is made into goat milk yogurt, the amount of lactose is even lower.
Goat’s milk also contains prebiotic carbohydrates (oligosaccharides), according to Healthline. This type of carb is beneficial as it supports the good bacteria found in the gut ecosystem.
Goat’s milk is also easier on the digestive system because its fat globules, as reported by Dr. Axe, are smaller than those in cow’s milk.
Goat milk helps lower cholesterol
The distinct smell of goat’s milk comes from its high amount of medium chain fatty acids (MCT). A review on goat milk composition shows that goat’s milk scores at 15 percent of total fat.
The MCTs of cow’s milk, on the other hand, make up just five percent of the total fat. Medium chain fatty acids are important as they help lower cholesterol, as well as dissolving cholesterol deposited in gallstones. Another study looked at the mineral content of goat’s milk. It revealed that the magnesium in the milk has many health benefits, one being its ability to raise good cholesterol levels.