(muratart / Shutterstock.com)
While 2020 was an exciting year for astrologers including the late December great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius, an alignment that has not happened for hundreds of years. In fact, the two planets were so close together that they appeared as one single star called the Bethlehem or Christmas star.
If you missed it, don’t despair, there will be exciting happenings in the night sky in 2021 too. According to The Satori Report, there will be two solar eclipses, two lunar eclipses, and nine planetary retrogrades. These cosmic events show that even though the world has changed, some things like the Earth’s continuous movement are constant and this gives hope for positive change and renewal.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Eclipses occur between four- to-six times a year and signify changes and turning points according to Mind Body Green. Ancient mankind saw eclipses as bad omens or bearers of disruptive change. For agrarian people who lived by the cycles of the seasons and the moon – for planting and the ordering of time –, the blocking of the sun was an event that instilled great fear. Now that we understand that eclipses are natural events, there is no reason not to embrace them.
There are two different types of eclipses, lunar and solar. A lunar eclipse always falls on a full moon and consists of the Earth moving directly between the sun and the moon. This cast a shadow on the earth that can appear in amazing shades of red.
A solar eclipse is far more dramatic and occurs when the new moon passes between the Earth and the sun causing a blackening of the sky just like a massive electrical power outage. It’s no wonder that ancient peoples saw them as dangerous and frightening events.
Astrologers believe that the effects of an eclipse can be felt for several days before and after the actual event. There will be lunar eclipses on May 26, Sagittarius (total) and November 19, Taurus (partial) as well as solar eclipses on June 10, Gemini (annular) and December 4, Sagittarius (total). May these eclipses bring positive social and economic change to the world.

(muratart / Shutterstock.com)
All of the planets in the solar system orbit around the sun. But to ancient mankind, it looked like all the planets and the sun were moving around the Earth. Since the advent of the telescope, we know this is not true. But, all of the planets have different orbits and move at different speeds, A retrograde occurs when another planet passes the Earth and due to the differing speeds, it actually appears to be going backwards.
When a planet goes retrograde, according to Mind Body Green, it can last for weeks and even months. Since the astrological signs go haywire during retrogrades, it is not the time to begin anything new, however, it is the time to give a stalled project a second chance. So, retrogrades can be very positive. Click here to see a retrograde calendar from AstroSage that includes the dates, times, and signs.

(buradaki / Shutterstock.com)