(byvalet / Shutterstock.com)
A 499-foot ship with a capacity to house 474 individuals is not a luxury yacht but rather a sailing hospital called Mercy Ships that travels to developing countries that need medical help. On board, free surgeries, check ups and medical aid is administered by a volunteer crew consisting of doctors, nurses and specialists from around the world including dentists, radiologists, anesthesiologists and surgeons. Mercy Ships has been around since 1978 and besides providing critical medical aid, the nonprofit works onshore with programs that aim to strengthen local communities by building sanitary medical facilities, training and mentoring local doctors and partnering with clean water organizations. Traveling on the high seas for thirty-six years, Mercy Ships has accomplished a lot, providing materials and services valued at over $1 billion, and helping around 2.42 million people in seventy-four different countries.
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