Crowd Wisdom for Pedestrians

Crowdsourcer of walkability ratings


City, Community

(Ultramansk /

How easy to walk is your street? Is it hilly or flat? Does it have a wide enough sidewalk? Is it safe? Is it scenic and clean? All of these criteria and many more define the walkability of a street - something you definitely have an opinion about, especially when it comes to routes you cross routinely.
Now imagine if all this data would be crowdsourced and open for all; Walkonomics is just about that. Aiming to rate the pedestrian-friendliness of every street in the world, Walkonomics invites each and every one of us to take part and contribute information. Over 600,000 streets have been rated so far, with a strong presence of London, San Francisco and New York drags. You can add any street in the world and rate it - no login information required.
The web app was founded by Adam Davies, who is no stranger to  walkability efforts worldwide; Davies has worked with a variety of organizations, both in the public and the private sector, to cultivate and develop better walkability. [Source: Walkonomics]

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