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Want to add warmth and sunshine to a wintry day? Give a compliment! January 24 is National Compliment Day across the world, and there is no better way to celebrate than by giving out a few compliments.
If you cannot get out and do this in person, use social media, send an email, or pick up the phone. Let a friend, acquaintance, or loved one know how much they mean to you. Compliment the delivery man or say a kind word to the corner store cashier. And don’t forget to compliment yourself!
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Compliments that can boost positivity
Compliments make people feel great and can improve their day. Looking for some sweet words that could improve your friend’s sense of wellbeing? Try these from verywellmind: “Being around you is like a happy little vacation,” or; “Colors seem brighter when you're around.”
Make someone grin
A compliment that brings a smile can be as warming as a hug. Smiles light up a face and radiate around a room, causing others to grin too.
Complimenting someone also has health benefits. When you say something that makes someone smile or laugh, it affects the adrenals and lowers cortisol according to a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine. In fact, laughing also strengthens the immune system, something everyone could use these days.
These compliments from verywellmind may crack a smile on a serious face or even cause a chuckle. Nothing like offering a compliment and a laugh all in one! Try “You could survive a zombie apocalypse,” or; “ You're even better than a unicorn because you're real.” Or you can try this favorite from ViaMaven is, “You make a compelling Jedi.”
For that special person
You do not have to wait for Valentine’s Day to offer your sweetheart warm words of appreciation. In fact, during the cold, bleak days of January, there is no better time to put on your compliment hat.
Here are a few beauties from livebold&bloom: “You make everyone feel so welcome, I don't think you have ever met a stranger,” or; “You look very happy and your energy is contagious.”
Now that you have a few compliments in your pocket, go out and spread them like rays of sunshine. Your compliment could very well create positivity just like paying it forward, inspiring others to give out their own compliments. You just never know where a few sincere, kind words will land. The warmth you generate may even melt some snow!
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