(Elena Sherengovskaya / Shutterstock.com)
Summer is here! With children at home, moms and dads are putting on their creativity caps. Thanks to a profusion of quality virtual camps, parents do not have to search far, spend much, or even leave their home to keep kids entertained, educated, and safe this summer.
In these times, there are few traditional summer camps running. According to CampMinder, even though 62 percent of camps are not running in-person camps this summer, 27 percent of them are offering virtual activities for their campers. And educational websites are now offering online summer camps.
For children who have not had a summer camp experience before, the sky's the limit – as long as they have access to a computer. By attending camp virtually, your kids may even be a bit more adventurous and try out a camp they would not have considered before.
From baking to opera and from movie-making to robotics, all the fun stuff is virtual this summer. Parents Magazine offers an extensive list of fun and educational options. Here are nine picks best suited for younger children:
Camp Supernow
For children from five to ten years old, Camp Supernow offers a different theme every week, including space exploration, moviemaking, and fairytales. Kids join a virtual cabin for two weeks with six to ten others. You can create your own cabin with your child’s friends or your child can meet others from around the US. Together they do crafts, play games, watch magic shows, and participate in sing-alongs. Your child can try out a day for free and the prices are reasonable.
San Diego Zoo
The San Diego Zoo is famous for its summer camp programs and this year, following strict regulations, it is offering camp for children from kindergarten through eighth -grade. They are placing children in small groups and following the health safety protocol. The zoo’s website also offers virtual activities, animal videos, and read-along stories all about the animals in the zoo. If your family loves animals, this is the online place to be.
Met Opera Global Summer Camp
Here is a unique opportunity to introduce children to culture. The Met Opera Global Summer Camp is free and open to children from grades three through 12. Using Facebook Live and YouTube, the camp focuses on a new opera each week. They explain the story, introduce theme-related crafts, offer activity sheets, and fascinating interviews with opera stars. At the end of the week, participants will watch the whole opera.
"I’m excited to be able to reach students who might not be able to get out this summer due to the pandemic..." We're grateful for all of our Met Opera Global Summer Camp Counselors & excited to lauch on Monday. Thanks for the great feature, @dallasnews! https://t.co/0mP3RfES5p
— Met Opera Students (@MetOperaStudent) June 12, 2020
Camp Wonderopolis
Here is free, online summer learning that offers entertainment and education all in one. Your kids can choose from five themed virtual camps including music, engineering, health, space, and hi tech. Each camp offers videos, reading activities, and quizzes with incentives for campers to earn Wonder Cards. Your kids will enrich their vocabulary and critical thinking plus have fun!
Varsity Tutors
These week-long camps are available to kids from five through 18. Some of the camps are free. Varsity Tutors features experts such as a famous magician, a renowned dog trainer, and a very entertaining chemistry teacher. Kids can also choose to learn a new language at camp. You pick the times and days of the week that suit you best.
For @evanthecardguy it's not just hocus pocus. ???? ✨ He'll be the first to tell you that, with just a few basic techniques, you can perform magic tricks too! Register now for Lesson 1 of his FREE live, interactive magic class on July 7th! #VarsityTutors pic.twitter.com/AOq1GWBBvk
— Varsity Tutors (@varsitytutors) July 2, 2020
Little Tikes Camp Play@Home
Your little tikes will love this one! Camp Play@Home features songs, games, and YouTube videos plus it offers parents fun ideas for toddlers. Learn how to make homemade popsicles, a butterfly feeder and more – the camp releases new activities and ideas daily.
Happy Camper Live
Happy Camper Live is set up like a real camp with counsellors. The camp is offered every day in different US time zones so everyone can participate. Sessions are for a month and are reasonably priced. Campers will enjoy photography, sports, dance, balloon magic, music and more. Many activities are taught by experts in diverse areas including Taekwondo, robotics, and singing.
Looking for summer plans? Happy Camper Live is here to save the day!
— Happy Camper Live???? (@HappyCamperLive) July 4, 2020
We have 100s of activities that your whole family will enjoy! From arts and crafts to basketball to magic, the possibilities are endless!#happycamperlive pic.twitter.com/wX0Mr3CTN7
Girl Scouts Virtual Camp
For girls from grades two to 12, the Girl Scouts Virtual Camp replicates a real outdoor camp and has a focus on the environment. Once you register, a camp kit, complete with all the materials your daughter needs, is delivered to your home. The counsellors interact with the virtual girl scouts, introducing campers to hikes, crafts, and science experiments as well as “taking” them to visit a stable for horse lessons.
Girl Scouts has fun plans for your girls this summer - it’s a great time to join! Family days at camp, virtual day camp for all ages, and a Camp-in, Campout for the whole family! ⛺️ ????
— Aimee Sproles (@aimeesproles) June 20, 2020
Know a girl and want to see her change the world? Encourage her to join Girl Scouts today! pic.twitter.com/3SPzM8ANwB
UNICEF Kid Power
Camp@home is free and offers over 75 videos covering art, cooking, and campfire songs! Campers can learn how to make recycled crafts, do ropes, cooking, macramé, and hair braiding. The camp encourages kids to watch, then turn off the computer to move and play. There are also 150 physical Kid Power activities to encourage children to be physically active.
We are thrilled to announce that, for the first time, we have partnered up with our camp friends this summer to bring kids all across the nation Camp@Home, a free online summer camp program that will be offered exclusively on our UNICEF Kid Power platform, beginning July 6th! pic.twitter.com/U232lV7IaS
— UNICEF Kid Power (@UNICEFKidPower) June 30, 2020