(Dm-visign / Shutterstock.com)
Boss, a border collie who works as a sheepdog in Perthshire, Scotland recently had to have his leg amputated. According to Cambridge News, this hasn’t stopped him from doing his job. He is just as efficient and as fast as ever, and is now inspiring people around the world with his story.
A difficult decision
The four-year-old black and white dog went missing while out working, and despite an extensive search, including the use of drones, he was nowhere to be found, reports Yahoo News UK. His owner, 25 year old shepherdess Anna MacKinnon was delighted when Boss showed up eight days later. He was safe but not completely sound, as he was limping, due to damage on his front left leg.
The sheepdog went through six weeks of vet consultations and prayers, as his owners waited to see if he would improve. When he didn't, Anna had to make the difficult decision to allow the doctors to amputate Boss’s leg. And although it was a hard call to make, they knew that it was what was best for Boss.
Boss gets back to work
The collie had always been active and great at his job. From a very young age, even as an eight week old puppy, he loved being outdoors chasing sheep, Anna told Wales Online. And now, even after losing an important limb, not much has changed. Right after the surgery, after the anesthesia wore off, Boss was ready to go out and run around. And a few weeks after his stitches were taken out, he was back at work chasing sheep, happy and excited to get back out there.
Seeing your pet get hurt and go through surgery is difficult. Anna had to go through a lot, and according to Wales Online, the hardest part was watching her strong willed dog be in such a vulnerable state. And even though the recovery process has been going well, she is scared of seeing him get hurt again.
How to gauge pet recovery
According to Colorado State University's Flint Animal Cancer Center, the best way to gauge if your pet is healing after a surgery is to pay attention to their attitude and their activity level. Sudden changes in behavior, attitude or any other change can be a sign that something is going on, and it's best to contact a vet.
In the case of Boss, he is back to giving his 100 percent to the sheep and to his family, which is not only great news but a great lesson in persevering through difficulties and through the curveballs you might get thrown at you. If Boss can do it, maybe you can too.
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