Add Kindness to the Back to School List

Prep for the new school year with what matters most.

(Drazen Zigic /

Getting your kids (and yourself) ready for a new school year is big. Maybe even huge. The lists and the buying, the labeling and the packing, the searching and the shopping….it's a lot! For some it's fun, choosing the matching writing utensils, dreaming about all the learning and experiences these utensils will facilitate. For others it's nothing short of a nightmare. Whatever your feelings are about back to school shopping, it has to get done, and somehow it does happen, whether it's one of your favorite summer activities or not as much. 

Then comes the clothing prep, which might include uniforms, specific dress codes, or a less specific way of dressing, according to a blog on Patheos. Trying on things from last year, planning for next year, and all that comes with that. Children grow, you know? Which is great! They are meant to! Chances are, you have even prayed for it. Which doesn't mean it makes the task smaller when it comes to getting the little ones ready for their new year in school. It is still a lot to take care of and oversee, plan for and manage. 

So many things to do! And, there is one more thing that should be added to the list. But don’t worry, this one has nothing to do with colorful markers or navy blue pants. This one is for your, and their, heart.

Kindness as a value
Teaching your kids important values is crucial. Some of those are taught by osmosis they see what you do, the things that matter to you, the importance you give to things.  As Parents explains, you model kindness wherever you go, and they see it. Other things can be taught through conversations, projects and with a more active role in it. And many times, children are getting the consistent message in both ways. 

For example, when it comes to kindness, if your child sees you donating clothing to the local shelter, being nice to others, giving charity, making a meal for a new neighbor and being kind to an elderly man at the park, they will absorb those memories of your kindness, and have it in them forever. And if you, in addition, read them books about kindness and take them to package food for the needy, the lessons will sink in even more. 

Kindness in school and at home
The Patheos blog suggests you include kindness in the back to school prep as there are so many opportunities to be kind in school. See someone being bullied? Stand up for them. Be nice to the lunch servers. Share a pencil with your classmate who forgot theirs. Find positive things to say about others.

And although it is a beautiful thing to take your children to visit sick people at the hospital, and you should definitely consider doing those sorts of activities in the summer, some things don't require grand gestures. Kindness begins at home, they explain. Being kind to each other in the home translates into being kind to others outside the home. Talking nicely to each other in the home and respecting each other translates into talking nicely to your friend and respecting your teacher. 

Kindness is one of the most important things you can give over to your children. They will take it with them whenever they go and bring smiles and love to others. Perhaps it will even motivate them to help out with the enormous back to school shopping and to do list you have hanging on your fridge.

Daily Acts of Kindness
5 Acts of Kindness That Can Make a Positive Impact
7 Positive Traits of Kind People