(Zapp2Photo / Shutterstock.com)
Home robots are not just in futuristic TV shows or movies anymore. How many people watched Rosie the robot maid on the Jetsons and wanted to have one too? Or how many saw Star Wars and wanted to bring R2-D2 home even if we also had to take C-3PO? We haven't gotten that advanced yet, but robot companions, personalized assistants, and home management aids have been steadily improving since Roomba first hit the store shelves in 2002.
Some robots are human-like running on artificial intelligence and some look like flying saucers, but they all make life easier for their human owners and many are as affordable as a new computer. There are robots that provide home security, one is a personal pool boy, and one will even play with your children.
Check out these nine home helper robots and see if one is right for you:
1. Ubtech Lynx
This humanoid robot helps Amazon Alexa come alive. Lynx has facial recognition technology and personalized greetings. Lynx can give you weather reports, play your favorite music and make to-do lists for you as well as remind you when you need to place an Amazon order. No sticky notes required.
2. Asus Zenbo
This smart mobile companion robot can provide assistance and entertainment when you need it. Zenbo learns and adapts and even shares emotions with you. The robot controls household devices and can act as a security system when you are not home and even read to your children to keep them entertained. It’s a robot, a friend and a builtin babysitter too.
3. Roomba by IRobot
Roomba has been around since 2002 but has improved a lot in the past 16 years. The latest model does a lot more than just vacuum. It can be controlled via Wi-Fi or linked to Amazon Alexa or Google voice-activated assistant. While the Roomba moves around your home cleaning floors, it can remember dirty places that need extra attention and it can plug itself into its charging station and go back to where it left off when the battery is recharged. How cool is that?
4. Alfawise Magnetic
This robot also cleans your house. Alfawise works like a vacuum cleaner but can do much more. It has microfiber pads to clean glass and suction features to ensure it doesn't fall off when cleaning windows. Finally, a maid that does windows.

(mikhail62 / Shutterstock.com
5. Worx Landroid
This robotic lawn mower will do the yard work for you. Landroid is designed to trim your lawn on a daily basis. It is a much quieter alternative to gasoline engine lawn mowers and can return to its charging station when its batteries are low or if it starts to rain. This is much better than paying a neighbor kid to mow your grass.
6. Dolphin Nautilus
This small robotic pool boy includes vacuuming and scrubbing elements and is smart enough to decide which one to use while it cleans your pool. Dolphin comes with special swivel cables that will never get tangled and GPS to ensure that your entire pool is cleaned. You can sit by the pool and sip a cool drink while Dolphin does all the work.

(Gianmix / Shutterstock.com)
7. Budgee by 5 Elements Robotics
Do you need an extra set of hands to carry something around the house? That's Budgee's specialty. The hardworking robot can follow you around your house, the supermarket or even the airport to help you carry stuff. No tips required.
8. Aido by Ingen Dynamic
This robot isn't for sale yet, but it will be later this year. Aido is a family-friendly robot that can help you with household chores, handle schedules, can connect and configure inputs from custom medical devices and can even play with your kids. This sounds like it will be a real winner when it hits the store shelves.