Adding Some Class to Your Standard Pocket T

VoyVoy’s pocket square T-shirts


T-Shirt, Fashion
Close-up of a pocket.

(Nanisimova /

If you are looking to add a little flair to your common T-shirt, then look no further as VoyVoy is bringing back the pocket square. A newcomer to the fashion scene,  all of VoyVoy’s shirts are locally manufactured in the United States, using only organic cotton and environmentally neutral dyes and hand selected fabrics from around the world. The brainchild of Nat Disston, VoyVoy’s unique design inverts the traditional pocket T and places the pocket inside the shirt, using fun and contrasting styles. The shirt is also convenient, as pockets are sized to comfortably fit sunglasses, iPhones or other small items.
After Disson’s first successful run on Kickstarter, the young designer is back trying to raise funds to increase the variety of colors he can offer prospective buyers.  
The company name VoyVoy means I go, I go in Spanish; as the name suggests, this business is ready to enter the world of ethical fashion. [Source: VoyVoy]

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