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Did you know that to power the entire Earth with solar energy in 2030, we'd only need to cover a land area about the size of Spain? Obviously we are still a long way away from that goal, but Great Britain is making great strides to bring us a little closer.
Over 800,000 low-income houses in England and Wales will have free solar panels installed on their roofs over the course of the next five years.
UK solar firm Solarplicity will work with over 40 landlords and social housing representatives across the two countries to make sure that all panels will get installed.
The $208 million initiative, which is being financed by the Dutch firm Maas Capital, will likely save residents an average of $312 on their energy bills every year, while at the same time making sure that at least 800,000 households will get their electricity from renewable energy.
And if that's not enough good news for one day, the initiative will create 1,000 new jobs in the UK and Solarplicity said it plans on hiring and retraining military veterans for their workforce.
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