7 Surprising Reasons Why Introverts Are Awesome

The true power of introverts in a world geared up for extroverts


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If you identify as an introvert you’ve most likely been told at some point that either you are too quiet, don’t have enough enthusiasm or spend too much time on your own. Yes, these are all typical characteristics of those on the more introverted end of the introvert/extrovert spectrum, and while social norms may suggest that these are not desired qualities in the fast-paced world we live in, there are plenty of introverts embracing what they have to offer. Susan Cain, with the help of her Quiet Revolution, is just one of the many introverts out there proving that introverts have a lot more power than they are often given credit for.

WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: By not always feeling the need to talk and express themselves verbally, introverts have incredible listening skills and will take the time to absorb information given to them. Introverts don’t like to be center of attention and will therefore listen to input and advice when it is given to them.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO INTROVERTS: You aren’t enthusiastic enough!
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: While introverts may not be the first to volunteer to lead a group project, they have strong observational skills and prefer to work behind the scenes. Introverts are less likely to show outward enthusiasm for what they are doing, but they are actually extremely passionate about the things they believe in and save their energy for simply getting the job done.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO INTROVERTS: You spend too much time on your own!
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: Spending time alone is a great way to reconnect with oneself without the distractions of others, meaning introverts often have a better sense of self. Alone time has also been scientifically proven to improve physical and mental health, and most importantly it can just be heaps of fun to spoil yourself and demonstrate self-love.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO INTROVERTS: You daydream too much!
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: Introverts often have a rich inner world and are known for being creative. While they may keep their thoughts to themselves most of the time, they usually have active imaginations and are known for coming up with amazing ideas and concepts, even if it does take them a while to put them out into the world.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO INTROVERTS: You don’t have many friends!
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: Introverts usually tend to avoid massive groups and tend to enjoy having a small group of close-knit friends. Despite the perceived frosty persona, introverts are often very loving and enjoy deep connections with people and are considered to be very loyal friends. It’s all about quality over quantity and introverts have high standards for the friendships they enter into.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO INTROVERTS: You take too long making decisions!
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: While introverts may take some extra time to make decisions, you can be rest assured that when they do come to a conclusion it has been very well thought out and all possibilities have been considered. Introverts are known to be great decision makers because they aren’t so influenced by social pressures and are more likely to be rational instead of impulsive.

WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO INTROVERTS: You don’t have much to say for yourself!
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ADVANTAGE: Introverts are natural observers and don’t always feel the need to say what is on their mind, giving them the time and space to absorb knowledge and build deep connections. While many introverts won’t always initiate a conversation, when prompted and asked to discuss a topic they are passionate about, they can talk for hours and in great depth.