7 Healthy Reasons to Cook With Sweet Basil

Keep this healing herb in your pantry.

Fresh and dried basil is very good for you.

(Steidi / Shutterstock.com)

An herb you should always have at home is basil. Whether you use it fresh or dried, basil will add flavor and health benefits to your meals. In fact, basil has been used for natural healing in Ayurvedic medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine for centuries according to Healthline.

This leafy green herb, that originated in Asia and is part of the mint family, comes in many varieties but the most common is sweet basil.  Here are seven good reasons to keep sweet basil in your pantry, fridge, or herb garden.

Full of antioxidants 
Basil is full of vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and the antioxidants lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin,  and beta-cryptoxanthin. In fact, according to WebMD, these antioxidants help to reduce the oxidative stress that can damage your cells and increase your risk of chronic health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

Promotes heart health 
Traditional Chinese medicine has treated cardiovascular disease with basil for hundreds of years, explained The Cleveland Health Clinic website. That’s because the herb contains  compounds that help to reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, two of the leading causes of heart disease.

Helps Improve blood sugar levels 
Basil can also help you manage your blood sugar levels. When used as an extract, scientists revealed a significant reduction of blood sugar levels in a 2017 study published in the journal Intercult Ethnopharmacol. This can help in the management of blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Contains antibacterial properties
Another benefit of sweet basil is protection against infections, according to Health. That’s because the oils it contains could help fight off respiratory, urinary, and skin infections. Basil also has anti-viral properties too that can help prevent viruses like colds and the flu. The herb can be an important immunity booster.

Good for bone health 
One of the important vitamins found in basil is vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting and bone health. While the amount of basil you ingest is small, just two tablespoons of chopped fresh basil contains 18 percent of the daily value of vitamin K. Another way to get enough of the vitamin is to eat green leafy vegetables.

Could reduce inflammation
The essential oils found in basil – like linalool, citronellol, and eugenol –  help to reduce inflammation, WebMD explained. Lowering inflammation could reduce your risk of arthritis, heart disease, and gut issues like IBS, and Crohn’s disease. You can also use basil essential oil topically for skin conditions.

Effective bug repellent
While you cannot get this benefit from cooking with basil, the herbs scent is a natural bug repellent. Crush the basil leaves to extract the essential oil estragole and then use it as a spray to keep mosquitos away. You can also plant basil by standing water to help control the mosquito population.

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